What Now? Art & Design

What Now? Art & Design

Running inside our event are a series of exhibitions from local artist collectives Engage Art StudiosGalway Print Studio, and Galway Design Hub (debuting at What Now?). There will also be pop-up printmaking by 126 Artist-Run Gallery Interns, and Virtual Reality presentations. Entry to all exhibitions is free and open from 12pm until 6pm each day.


The exhibitions are located on the first floor of Galway Arts Centre and will be open from 12pm – 6pm Saturday and Sunday.

1.Engage Art Studios (GAC First Floor, Front Room)
Artists: Marcel Badia, Peter Bradley, Brenda Flannery, Michelle Hill, and Angela O’Brien

Located in the heart of Galway city Engage Art Studios supports contemporary visual artists in a professional environment. Engage provides a central space for professional visual artists, of all levels, to work within a vibrant community of creativity, production, inspiration and opportunity. The unique studio space is on the top floors of the old Cathedral Building on the corner of Middle and Abbeygate Streets.

2.Galway Print Studio (GAC First Floor, Middle Room)
Artists: Nicola Gunwhy, Mary Ryan, Vicky Smith, Serena Slevin

Galway Print Studio is a non-profit collective printmaking workspace accommodating a number of members who share a passion for print.

3. Galway Design Hub (GAC First Floor, Back Room, and located throughout festival)

Artists: Patrizio Mancuso, Diarmuid Russel, Dathi Dubh, Simon Kennedy, Rory Newell, Siún Ní Dhuinn and Gillian Henderson (As An Nua), Peter McManus, Bernard McGlinchey (Freeflow Creativity).

Galway Design Hub’s activities are mostly based online, digital connections, but now their first exhibition as part of What Now? brings its’ members into physical space. There will be a demo stand of Hstry the new tour guide app exploring the rich history of Galway along with a 20x20x20 social outreach collaboration with some of the children of Scoil Chroí Íosa (The Pres Primary School) on the theme of “Be Happy :). 20 paintings (20cmx20cm) by the school kids will be on display.

Pop Up Printmaking

The 126 Artist-Run Gallery interns will be hosting a pop up printmaking workshop and demos in the Aras na nGael yard on Saturday and Sunday

Video Mapping and Virtual Reality

Downstairs in the Galway Arts Centre will play host to a series of workshops and presentations on the arts of video mapping and virtual reality.