Young Publishers Tackle Homelessness

ROPES is a literary journal produced by the students of the MA in Literature and Publishing at NUI Galway. The theme of the journal this year is independence, and the ROPES journal is publishing poetry, prose and artwork submissions that explore gaining, losing, rejecting and sustaining independence. ROPES 2016 will be the journal’s 24th volume and is due out in spring 2016.The journal is entirely self-funded, and to cover the production costs the young publishers behind ROPES are seeking to raise €1,500 through the Ireland-based crowdfunding website Fund It.

Donations over €15 are eligible for prizes, including crowdfunder exclusive bookmarks and a personalized thank-you in the journal itself. Donations will help showcase up-and-coming literary and artistic talent from around the globe and also support the Galway Simon Community, as all of the proceeds from ROPES will benefit this charity. The Galway Simon Community provides housing, support and health care services for people who have become homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless in the West of Ireland.

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